Thursday, September 10, 2009

Multi-purpose toilet paper

I saw this on the Today Show this morning (which I now can't find online so you have to go by my written description) and found it both funny and interesting.

Apparently yesterday, due to its unique date 09.09.09, was a popular day for people to get married. I wasn't aware of this fact but someone at an Israeli toilet paper company was.
They commissioned local designers to make a series of wedding gowns from toilet paper.

As a topical stunt, I like this idea and am assuming that since it made the news in Australia, the client would be happy with the results but still, I wonder what the campaign was trying to communicate; strength? absorbancy? softness?

Maybe it was just to create awareness of the brand (locally I hope, as I can't actually can't find what brand it was for anywhere).
Either way, I'm impressed with the designs and the spectacle the promotion has created!

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